Personal loans can be just what you need to earn extra money given the increased cost of living we are all facing. A personal loan has its advantages, given the flexibility it offers to both the lender and the borrower. To get a personal loan, you do not need to have guarantors or to secure it against any asset, and this makes it possible for many people to access a personal loan. Given the high unemployment rate and the ever-expanding consumption in the market, entrepreneurship is quickly rising. The entrepreneurs who are starting these businesses are young people who do not have assets to secure loans and therefore, they need personal loans. A personal loan can be a gateway to financial freedom if you utilize it appropriately and have a good repayment plan to avoid default. You can access a personal loan from a bank or non-banking financial institution whereby the amount is approved based on criteria such as repayment capacity, income level, and credit history. Read on to know how you can improve your credit score and the various benefits you stand to gain from personal loans.
Personal loans have the advantage of getting the exact amount you want to borrow, unlike other bank loans, which have a minimum amount to borrow and a fixed payment period. In terms of loan approval, personal loans are easy to get, and it takes from 48 hours to 2 weeks as soon as all documents have been verified.
Defaulting on payment
Personal loans are better in terms of consequences when you default to pay as scheduled because you do not face the risk of your assets being auctioned. Defaulting will, however, affect your credit score, and it will lead to being denied any loans and credit card approvals in the future. You can improve your credit rating by working with experts like those at to enhance your credit limit and reduce the interest rates you are charged when applying for a loan.
Tax benefits
Personal loans usually do not have tax benefits, but you can get them if you apply for a home down payment or renovation. However, this only applies to the interest and the principal amount, and you must provide all the appropriate receipts.
Balance transfer
You can benefit from a lower interest rate through balance transfer to a new lender while still having a standing balance with the current lender. A balance transfer is when your current lender allows you to move to a new lender who will pay the amount still owed. You will then pay your new lender the amount they paid to your previous lender, plus any applicable interest on your remaining loan balance. When opting for a balance transfer, it is important to consider prepayment charges and balance transfer fees to avoid incurring more expenses.
Interest rates and penalties
The advantage of a personal loan is that you can negotiate the interest rates if you have a good credit score and a certain income. Most personal levels offer fixed interest rates, which make the loan repayment easy. In the case of default, you get charged from 1 to 2 percent of the principal amount, which is better than losing your assets, as is the case of secure loans. To ensure that you are getting the best interest rates in the market, always work towards being creditworthy.