We’re living at CES 2017 so you don’t have to. And that means that if you want a firsthand look at everything in and around the conference, you should check out one of the many, many social media platforms we’ll be posting, tweeting and broadcasting on.
First off, you can always like us on Facebook to keep tabs on the latest news and live video from CES. Or, add us on Google+, follow us on LinkedIn, admire our photography on Instagram, watch our coverage on YouTube and keep tabs on our stories on Snapchat by adding cnetsnaps.
If you prefer that your updates come in 140 characters, read on for a lengthy rundown of our many Twitter accounts.
CNET main accounts:
CNET: All things CES, from live coverage, GIFs, video and observations from our team on the ground. Follow @CNET
CNET en Español: CES from the perspective of our Spanish-language reporting team. Follow @CNET_Es
Roadshow: Every single automotive announcement from CES, all in one place. Follow @Roadshow
CNET Smart Home: CES is going to be full of smart home tech this year, so there’s never been a better time to follow @CNETSmartHome.
CNET lists:
All CNET Twitter accounts
CNET news:
Connie Guglielmo, editor in chief, CNET News. Follow @techledes
Roger Cheng, executive editor, East Coast news. Follow @rogerwcheng
Ian Sherr, executive editor, West Coast news. Follow @iansherr
Seamus Byrne, editor, CNET Australia and Asia. Follow @seamus
Richard Nieva, staff writer. Follow @richardjnieva
Ben Fox Rubin, senior reporter. Follow @benfoxrubin
Katie Collins, staff reporter. Follow @katiecollins
Shara Tibken, senior reporter. Follow @sharatibken
James Martin, photographer. Follow @Jamesco

CNET reviews:
Lindsey Turrentine, editor in chief, CNET.com. Follow @lturrentine
Rich Brown, executive editor, appliances. Follow @rh_brown
John P. Falcone, executive editor. Follow @falconejp
Eric Franklin, managing editor, mobile devices. Follow @nidopal
Kent German, editor, CNET Magazine. Follow @kentgerman
Dan Ackerman, senior editor, laptops. Follow @danackerman
Iyaz Akhtar, senior associate editor. Follow @iyaz
Xiomara Blanco, associate editor. Follow @zeeohmara
David Carnoy, executive editor. Follow @davidcarnoy
Ry Crist, associate editor, appliances. Follow @rycrist
Jessica Dolcourt, senior editor, phones. Follow @jdolcourt
Dong Ngo, CNET Labs manager, editor. Follow @riceandstirfry
Sharon Profis, executive editor, CNET How To. Follow @sharonprofis
Andrew Gebhart, associate editor, appliances. Follow @GebAndrew
Josh Goldman, senior editor, digital imaging. Follow @ByJoshG
Dan Graziano, associate editor, CNET How To. Follow @DanGraziano
Sean Hollister, senior editor. Follow @StarFire2258
David Katzmaier, senior editor, home theater. Follow @dkatzmaier
Lynn La, associate editor, phones. Follow @lynnlaaa
Tyler Lizenby, multimedia producer. Follow @tylerlizenby
Josh Miller, photographer. Follow @joshmillerphoto
Ty Pendlebury, senior associate editor, home theater. Follow @typendlebury
Caitlin Petrakovitz, front door editor. Follow @misscp
Claire Reilly, news writer, CNET Australia. Follow @reillystyley
Scott Stein, senior editor, wearable tech and PCs. Follow @jetscott
Megan Wollerton, associate editor, appliances. Follow @meganwollerton
Tim Stevens, editor-in-chief. Follow @Tim_Stevens
Wayne Cunningham, managing editor. Follow @way4ne
Andrew Krok, associate auto news editor. Follow @andrewkrok
Marc Ganley, senior producer. Follow @marcganley
Antuan Goodwin, associate editor. Follow @antgoo
Donovan Farnham, social media editor. Follow @donovanfarnham
CNET video:
Jeff Bakalar, senior associate editor, gaming, host of The 404. Follow @jeffbakalar
Bridget Carey, senior editor, video. Follow @bridgetcarey
Brian Cooley, editor at large. Follow @briancooley
Ashley Esqueda, senior editor, video. Follow @ashleyesqueda
Dave Cheng, video producer. Follow @drearyclocks
Lexy Savvides, senior editor, video. Follow @lexysavvides
Brian Tong, senior editor, video. Follow @briantong
CNET social:
Christine Cain, social media producer. Follow @CarnivoreCain
Andy Altman, associate editor, social video. Follow @theandyaltman
Jason Parker, senior editor, social media. Follow @jparkerCNET
Morgan Little, social media strategist. Follow @mlittlesf
Tyler Do, social media strategist. Follow @tylerpdo
CNET en Español:
Gabriel Sama, managing editor. Follow @gabosama
Erica Argueta, video producer. Follow @EricaArgueta
Marianna Marceletti, senior editor. Follow @mariamrom
Claudia Cruz, reporter. Follow @cruznews
Marta Franco, reporter. Follow @marmotilla
Juan Garzon, reporter. Follow @onegarzon